Sunday, April 15, 2012

Inspirational Animations

March 20

Some animations that have been very inspirational

I love the way scene transitions are used in this film. Especially starting at 1:04. The way the point of view moves as people are walking through is mesmerizing.

Walking is inspirational because it is so successful while not really following a narrative. Basically the film is a collection of vignettes that all connect somehow. I'd like my film to be successful in the same way.

MacLaren is obviously a master at visual music, and since this will sort of be a visual music piece, I've been watching a lot of his films. I love how the visuals follow the audio in this piece, especially in the transitions.

UPA has always been a huge inspiration for me. The Jaywalker does a fantastic job of graphically representing a city street. Visually, this will be close to what I'm trying to do.

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